BISL is a support services, construction, energy, property and oil and gas company set out to render professional contractual services of global best standards to clients whether in the public or private sector. The Biboemi Features includes but not limited to: Featured video home slider, News blog and Publications, Ability to Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD), Front page Customization Featured Box, Fully Responsive, Featured Slider, Team View, Portfolios (Advanced Grouped Gallery with Sorting), Media Embed, Social Media YouTube playlist, SEO and lots more.
Other Information
Name: Biboemi Group Limited
Framework: KAS Framework v2.50 and WordPress 5.9
Application Features:
Upgrade-able: YES (Current Version V.5.2)
Complete Status: 100%
Up-time: 99.98%
Security Module: Comodo Installed.
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