Developed in January 2019, Kastech iBase is a PHP and AJAX based application management tool with improved UI designed by MyOrange which is an ideal tool for managing any database driven application. The software core developed by Kastech, uses a simple PDO which
can be connected to varieties of database including Cubrid, MS SQL Server, Firebird, IBM, Informix, Oracle, Oracle, ODBC and DB2, PostgreSQL, SQLite, 4D and MySQL. The iBase application uses a light non-blocking PHP scripting technology, AJAX
and the smart Bootstrap UI to achieve its speed and reduce complexity. It can be customized (Fixed Headers, Sidebards, Top Menus) to suite the admins taste with a 100% CRUD feature and can work with very little or no internet connection by storing data offline and sending to the database on connection restoration (Being Implemented)
This Application is licenced under Kastech Network Limited and will be obfuscated using Iconcube Loaders.
All Files (including images, videos and audios) uploaded on the iBase Application will be sent to Dropbox via Dropzone APIs giving your application maximum security.
Hint: The Application "iBase" can be built on any Angular JS, Ajax Bootstrap UI using our Restful APIs
On Sale:YES (Hosted on your Server)
Date Completed:August 1st, 2021
Program:PHP 8.1, Ajax, Angular JS, Dropzone, MYSQL and CSS3.0